I’m excited about the kickoff next week of a 3-month project to improve the Wiki Education Dashboard’s user profile pages. I’ll be mentoring Sejal Khatri, a senior computer engineering student at Savitribai Phule Pune University, for an Outreachy internship, in collaboration with design researcher Jonathan Morgan of Wikimedia Foundation.
Sejal has already created the initial version of the Dashboard’s user profiles feature, which displays all the courses a user has participated in. During the internship, she’ll be adding features that highlight each user’s cumulative impact. For instructors, we’re imagining this as a sort of portfolio for your Wikipedia projects, enabling you to easily show colleagues and administrators what you’ve done. Sejal will also be exploring ways to visualize those course statistics.
Outreachy is a free and open source software internship program run by the Software Freedom Conservancy that is aimed at improving diversity in the free software community.